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101 KLOL documentary Runaway Radio Houston streaming dvd
WATCH: Mike McGuff's "Runaway Radio" 101 KLOL documentary - now streaming!

Monday, April 01, 2024 launches later this month

Many of my readers have demanded that I start a streaming service, so will launch later this month.

Even if you don't watch, I will have even more popups on my blog streaming the video anyway.  Meaning that even if you aren't watching, you still count as a viewer.  So when I sell to a private equity firm or go public on Wall Street, it will appear there is a much larger user base!

How am I filling time on

- Well, first, and I mean first, I will have a live streaming show at 3:30 a.m. ahead of the Houston TV stations. What will be on at that time? Who cares? I haven't figured it out yet, but I will be first, so that's all that matters. It might be time to dust this old idea off

- True Crime is a must on any streaming service. Think about it, network TV news shows do it, digital subchannels...almost all worldwide streaming services, etc.   Everyone seems to want to exploit terrible moments in a person's life for viewers.  

- Since this streamer is connected to a Houston media blog, we'll also have the "Thank you, Marvin" show.  You can see a preview of that right here.

- And, of course, why not some TV news bloopers mixed in with a little Cosmo the Clown and a news brief.

- Naturally, when nothing else is scheduled, I will run my 101 KLOL documentary "Runaway Radio" on an endless loop! Right now, you can watch it at area Star Cinema Grill locations

That's all I have for now. Of course, you can send any suggestions for programming.

For more information and to subscribe, simply click here.

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