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Monday, June 24, 2013

Two legendary Houston radio morning teams reunite (w/ AUDIO)

Houston AM and FM radio morning superstars reunite for one off trip down memory lane

Last week, the Super Moon came out and two legendary Houston morning radio teams reunited. Coincidence?

Lance Zierlein and John Granato reunite
Lance Zierlein and John Granato reunite for podcast
In "The Great Houston Chronicle Blog Purge of 2013" we are losing The Z Report with Lance. So to celebrate the end, sports talker Lance Zierlein reunited with his old radio team.

 That's right, Zierlein recorded an almost two hour podcast with former Sports 610 KILT and 1560 The Game KGOW pals John Granato and Chance McClain.

And let me tell you, it is great. If you were a regular listener at any point in their career together, you will love it. But if you just are interested in broadcasting, and have never set foot in Houston, you will still love it because of all the great inside radio stories. Just goes to show morning radio seems glamorous on the outside, but you never know about the crap that's going on inside the station (unless you've listened to Howard Stern over the years). Let me tell you, there are some wild party stories too.

Head over to our friends at Houston Media Watch for the uncut video or straight unedited audio feed.

As you might already know, Lance Zierlein is now doing afternoons with Charlie Pallilo on Clear Channel's Sportstalk 790 KBME. In a strange twist of fate, John Granato is also doing afternoons on Yahoo! Sports Radio 1560 KGOW with Sean Pendergast against Zierlein. McClain is involved with a little bit of everything including a production called Kissless the Musical.

Maria Todd and Sam Malone
Maria Todd and Sam Malone
On the FM side, there was a briefer reunion between former 104.1 KRBE morning team Sam Malone and Maria Todd on Malone's new AM 1070The Answer KNTH/Phonoscope TV show.

It took a big death to get these two back together, but it's not all mourning for the morning duo. Listen for an awesome shout out they give at the end.

Maria Todd now anchors news on News 92 KROI.

Sam and Maria: Reunited from Phonoscope New Media on Vimeo.