News Blues is reporting that Lewis will be the new VP of Lifestyle Content for Fisher Broadcasting...whatever that means I am not sure.
News Blues goes on to trash the 39 KIAH on air marriage proposal I posted about Sunday. I still have no problem with that event. Heck, it made one of my reader's cry (in a good way).
It was at the end of a Saturday night newscast. That's where the kicker (or fluff piece) airs to end all newscasts on a light note (if a station hasn't dumped it for a weather recap that is). It was not the lead story! The stunt got KIAH a lot of national attention. Does that help its ratings? That part is unclear.
So congrats to KyAnn Lewis and JL Watkins and thanks for getting back to me. From now on I am known as the Director of Digital Content, Lifestyle, Engagement and overall badassness for this blog.
Meanwhile over at Channel 39, the soon to be news director-less staff is pretending to be hard at work, but we know what is really going on with the prospect of no boss!
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