The book obviously takes a look at Kramer's and Aerosmith's histories. That's good enough for a fan like myself. But if you've ever struggled with drugs, depression, codependency, abuse or dying parents, I think the book is worth a read on that alone.
Kramer discusses the pain he's experienced, how he always managed to bury it and why that did not work out for him. It goes to show that no matter how much success and money you have, life isn't always as great as it appears.
One particular theme I found interesting is how Kramer equated Aerosmith lead singer Steven Tyler with his father. That was not a good thing either.
The book reads more like a straight on biography than recent releases like Nikki Sixx's The Heroin Diaries: A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star (Sixx does the forward to Kramer's book by the way) or Tommyland by Tommy Lee.
I give it five drumsticks!
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