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Thursday, July 02, 2020

José Santos leaves Telemundo Houston

Reporter José Santos is leaving Telemundo Houston KTMD.

Here is what he announced on Facebook:

Más de 5 años de experiencias inolvidables. En el 2015 llegue a Telemundo Houston determinado a dar mi todo por la comunidad de esta bella ciudad. Hoy cierro un capítulo en mi carrera. No es un adiós si no un hasta luego. Esta noche será mi último noticiero en esta increíble estación de la cual estaré siempre agradecido. A ustedes les digo ¡GRACIAS! Por su confianza y su apoyo. Seguiremos aquí en contacto en las redes sociales. Un fuerte abrazo virtual. Ahora listo para la proxima aventura

Over 5 years of unforgettable experiences. In 2015 I arrived in Telemundo Houston determined to give my all for the community of this beautiful city. Today I close a chapter in my career. It's not goodbye but a see you later. Tonight will be my last newscast at this amazing station that I will forever be grateful for. To you guys I say THANK YOU! For your trust and support. We will stay here in touch on social media. A big virtual hug. Now ready for the next adventure

He joined KTMD in March of 2015 from KINT El Paso where he worked as a reporter focusing on community, immigration issues, and border policy.

Before that he worked as a reporter for El Diario de El
Paso from 2010 to 2013.

The award winning journalist is a University of Houston graduate.

José Santos joins the Houston Airport System as Sr. Digital Communications Supervisor.

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