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Monday, August 17, 2009

VIDEO: The first NBC Today Show: January 14, 1952

This is fascinating. It's video of the first NBC Today Show from January 14, 1952. Check out how Channel 4 WNBC was called WNBT back then. The host, Dave Garroway, actually wore a stick microphone attached to his belt! The behind the scenes staff was not behind the scenes, the show took place all over the newsroom in the NBC Broadcasting Center in the RCA Exhibition Hall.

What did the Today Show replace? A test pattern.

Even then shows could take live shots from around the nation and get reporter audio from overseas. Garroway showed how the morning papers from "important American cities" (no word if Houston or Dallas papers were there) were flown in each morning. I was floored when I saw Garroway get on a phone and get the weather forecast. Garroway then took his direction and chalked the weather on a map for the camera. Technical issues stopped the audience from hearing the meteoroglgist on this first day. Garroway explained there would be lots of technical issues!

The big stories of the day were flammable sweaters and bad weather around the country.

The commericals are good too. Check out ones for Howdy Doody, Kukla, Fran and Olie, a walk to fight Polio, Big Brothers of America and more.

The Today Show of 1952 is not that far off from the 2009 version as you might think. Both started with hard news and moved to lighter fare as the hours went by. The host also showed home gadgets to make your life easier (a machine to thread a needle in this case). Both feature music. At the end of the video you will see Garroway tell Tom Brokaw years later that the show went down hill from the first day.

Here is more on Today's history.

- David Garroway
- Jack Lescoulie
- VIDEO: Walter Cronkite--What's My Line (Thanks @Runaas)

(Thanks Bob Martin "The Accountant of the Stars") CONTACT: Leave me a Houston or Texas media news tip | COMMENT: Click to leave your thoughts on this post here