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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Textings downside, junkware removal, still there deleted photos and more

Texting May Be Taking a Toll
The phenomenon is beginning to worry physicians and psychologists, who say it is leading to anxiety, distraction in school, falling grades, repetitive stress injury and sleep deprivation. (Thanks Will-E)

Got junkware? Here's a strategy for removing it
For years, the makers of Windows PCs have cluttered their products with junkware — unruly background programs, trial versions of software and applications that are little more than marketing come-ons.

Study: Photos stay online after you delete them
Researchers tested several photo-sharing sites to see if photos still existed on the Internet 30 days after they were supposedly deleted by users. Seven of the 16 sites, including Facebook, failed the test. (Thanks Will-E)

Look at This Article. It's One of Our Most Popular
The Internet has facilitated an outbreak of popularity contests as online news providers rank the top 10 most-read, -emailed or -commented articles on their home page. Using popularity rankings to make decisions, however, has downsides. These online rankings are public, creating a positive-feedback loop. The more popular something becomes, even if just from a random burst of interest, the more likely it is to grow ever more popular. And that has troubling implications about the effects of all sorts of popularity rankings.

Stephen Wolfram Reveals Radical New Formula for Web Search
The home page is nearly blank. At the center, just below a colorful logo, you’ll find an empty data field. Type in a phrase, hit Return, and knowledge appears. No, it’s not Google. It’s Wolfram|Alpha.
- The search engine
- Like Google, Only Much, Much Worse CONTACT: Leave me a Houston or Texas media news tip | COMMENT: Click to leave your thoughts on this post here