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Runaway Radio Screenings
WATCH: Mike McGuff's "Runaway Radio" 101 KLOL documentary - now streaming on Tubi!

Monday, June 02, 2008

Android, billion-pixels and more

The Guessing Game Has Begun on the Next iPhone
Although the company will not publicly confirm the arrival of a second iPhone, Apple watchers have concluded that a new version will be introduced June 9, the opening day of Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference reports the New York Times.

Browsers Are a Battleground Once Again
The browser, that porthole onto the broad horizon of the Web, is about to get some fancy new window dressing.

Preview of Google's Android phone
The device allows owners to unlock it by drawing on the screen, and includes a built-in compass to help with navigation.

Understanding Amazon Web Services
There are two ways to look at as a retailer, and as a software company that runs a retailing application.

Yahoo's New BrowserPlus: Game Changer
Yahoo has introduced what I think is a revolutionary concept called BrowserPlus.

Twitter blames its users

Scoble says Twitter blamed its “popular” users for its woes

How to be unGoogleable
Once your name gets into the search engine, removing all traces of yourself from the internet is next to impossible.

Billion-pixel panoramas — from your own camera

A device that lets a camera take pictures with 100 times the resolution of the most advanced models on the market is poised to revolutionise amateur photography.

[thanks Murdock!] CONTACT: Leave me a Houston or Texas media news tip | COMMENT: Click to leave your thoughts on this post here