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Thursday, January 12, 2006

We got in Ken Hoffman's column!

Scroll way down at the bottom of Ken Hoffman's column and you'll see a plug for Action 13 Consumer Reporter Jeff Ehling.

This happened because I called Ken Hoffman for an interview about the *72 scam he wrote about a few weeks ago. This is a story we were looking to do already so I thought Hoffman could bring us some star power.

Well he couldn't do it, but he did write about the story in his column. I know Jeff was thrilled that I got him a mention in one of the most read columns in Houston. Come's Ken Hoffman, for TV folks that means you've arrived.

To prove it, we started getting emails congratulating us about the appearance from story contacts. I told Hoffman that Jeff was easy to make fun of, but he did not take the bait. Oh well.

Here's what I think the Chron should do for Hoffman, so Dwight listen up. First of all, why doesn't he have a blog? Hoffman might hate me for mentioning this in case he already feels overworked, but if anyone could have a successful blog, it's him.

If the blog isn't going to work, he should have his own RSS feed for his column. This is because everyone is forgetful and I want the articles coming to me. I'm spoiled with the rest of the Chron's RSS offerings. CONTACT: Leave me a Houston or Texas media news tip | COMMENT: Click to leave your thoughts on this post here