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WATCH: Mike McGuff's "Runaway Radio" 101 KLOL documentary - now streaming on Tubi!

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Morning Dose returns to CW39 Monday away from studio

After being off the air Friday, CW39 KIAH's Morning Dose returns Monday

Morning Dose returns Monday morning on CW39 KIAH, but from now on, like many of the other Houston TV stations, will have at least some of its anchors and reporters from home.

Channel 39 viewers notified me Friday that Morning Dose did not air that day. Instead episodes of Friends were on the air with a "Viewer Notice" scroll saying due to circumstances beyond their control, Morning Dose would not been seen that day.

A running list of ways the Houston media is affected by coronavirus

I told you Sunday that FOX 26 KRIV has already tested doing remote newscasts away from the station if that becomes necessary.

abc13 KTRK 3pm and 6:30pm anchor Chauncy Glover is the first known positive test for COVID-19 that I am aware of. Glover announced it on social media last week. He also released a video to address his loyal viewers about his current condition.

Stay safe.