The more things change, the more they stay the same. That saying goes for TV too.
Listen to those who worked in TV in the early days and how the news teams were small and wore many hats back then. Employee size ballooned in the 1980s and 90s. However this century, thanks to technology and shrinking budgets, air is quickly leaking from that big employee sized balloon and staff numbers are falling. How soon till the modern day employee numbers and the 1970s, or maybe even smaller 1960s numbers, match up? Call me crazy, it could happen.
That's enough of me playing a dunderheaded TV pundit, let's take a look at the "new" slogan for FOX 26 KRIV's sister station My 20 KTXH.
I'll play $200 in the "Everything Old Is New Again" category bearded Alex.
TV teases for KTXH's re-brand to "My20 Vision" are airing with a promise changeover date of Monday, September 24th.
I was a kid when KTXH came on the air and remember that branding from the past as you can watch below. Hey, the My20 part of the Vision is what makes it 21st Century I guess.
There were times in my youth where my favorite TV channel was either 20 or 39. I remember watching everything from "Speed Racer" to "The Arsenio Hall Show" on old KTXH. Shout out to KTXA in DFW too!
(Thanks Dennis)
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