Last Saturday at the Houston Zoo, the tension could be cut with a turkey knife. That's because members of the Houston media were gobbling it out to see who really is the biggest turkey in the 2015 TXU Energy Houston Media Turkey Calling Contest.
TV anchors, reporters, radio broadcasters, newspaper columnists...all battling it out to see who sounds the most like a real turkey.
FOX 26 KRIV weekend morning anchor Sally MacDonald and I served as emcees of the event, and let me tell you, that is a unique perspective on the whole event.
Last year's winning turkey Craig Hlavaty handed his crown over to newcomer, KTRK abc13 reporter Jeff Ehling!
Below is a sample video of what happened.
Houston's media turkeys really brought their best calls and struts at our annual Turkey Calling Contest! If you weren't there to witness the greatness, we've got proof of how competitive this year's contest was. Share with your friends and let us know who you think had the best turkey call. #HouTurkeyTrot
Posted by Houston Turkey Trot on Monday, November 16, 2015
The 2015 TXU Energy Houston Media Turkey Calling Contest contestants were:
Craig Hlavaty - Houston Chronicle/NewsFix
Jo Jo - Univision Radio 104.9
Kristina Ramey - 104.1 KRBE
Ron Treviño - KHOU 11
Jeff Ehling - KTRK abc13
Joey Guerra - Music Critic/Writer, Houston Chronicle
Joy Sewing - Fashion & Beauty Editor, Houston Chronicle
Simone Eli - KPRC 2
Juan Alanis - The Little Radio Show
The turkey calling contest exists to promote the annual TXU Energy Houston Turkey Trot - the second largest footrace in Houston and a tradition for many families on Thanksgiving morning. More than 20,000 supporters flock the Galleria area to make a difference and support more than 160,000 seniors and children Neighborhood Centers serves each year.
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