I've added a new feature to my blog that I'm really excited about. It lets you track the Houston media through its member's tweets. That's nearly 300 people you can watch tweet in real-time.
During breaking news situations, like when it rained really hard a few weeks ago, I knew what was going on without having to turn on the TV, simply by watching this Houston media Twitter page.
From a competitive standpoint, TV stations might just want to throw this page up on a monitor in the newsroom so you know what the folks across the street are doing. For example, this pre-dates my Houston tweets page, but when I worked at KIAH 39, I knew the stories the other stations were doing ahead of time, by just watching Twitter.
It's not just limited to TV though. I have radio DJs and print writers from the likes of the Houston Chronicle, Houston Press, Houston Business Journal, Houston Community Newspapers...etc.
This page is causing me to actually check my own blog throughout the day. Clearly I know what's on there and what's coming up, but this feature always keeps me surprised. Great for those quick five minute breaks you need when sitting in cubicle land.
To access the page, look for the "Houston tweets" tab in the top navigation of this blog or for a link on the right column under my Twitter follow button.
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