Culturemap's Shelby Hodge is on the case:
We heard rumors about the Good Morning America gig earlier today. We tracked it down and can confirm that Tressler has been in Dallas working on the tornado coverage for GMA.
A friend, who has been in contact with Tressler, says that this contract work could possibly lead to a more permanent position with the network. But that shoe has yet to drop. READ THE REST
Good for her.
Now to all of the people I know in the local TV news world who want to work at the network level - call the Men's Club (or any other strip club) in Houston. Ask for a job and you too could be on your way to the TV big leagues (and this has nothing to do with the Tressler case, but also having a politically connected family helps).
Sarah Tressler: "I was a stripper/reporter/professor"