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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Former KHOU 11 anchor Lisa Foronda overcomes demons

Former KHOU 11 anchor Lisa Foronda is profiled in the Houston Chronicle about how she overcame weight issues and family tragedy:

Lisa Foronda was fresh out of the University of Florida and in her first TV job in San Angelo when someone hit a nerve.

“You could stand to lose some weight,” the observer said. She was tall and thin and just as beautiful as she was as an anchor on KHOU (Channel 11) here in Houston, but she — like many women — worried about her appearance.

That comment set in motion a pattern of bulimia that followed her throughout her TV career. She'd eat and then purge, wanting to lose weight and keep off the 10 or 15 pounds TV cameras add to any frame. She moved on to the second chapter of her life a few years ago — she's now community relations supervisor for CenterPoint Energy — and on Sunday made the Chevron Houston Marathon her 12th marathon completed, with a time of 4:14:12.

"I don't mind talking about it,” said Foronda, 40. “People assume I have this perfect life. I don't. I have problems just like everyone else.” READ MORE

The article goes on to talk about how Foronda is co-director of the Power in Motion running instruction group which helps people get into running shape.

- Lisa Foronda - after Channel 11
- Lisa Foronda leaving KHOU channel 11