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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Is Houston really more attractive than New York City?

Hey I'm not bringing up that question, an Econ professor at Harvard is!  Gawker has the news:

Manhattan residents often find themselves dreaming of the paradise that is Houston, Texas. The cars; the affordable barbecue; the murders. It's a working man's promised land. But why must some people have the bad fortune to get stuck in NYC, while others live the dream by breaking free and making their way to the sweltering heart of Texas? READ THE REST

The tongue in cheek setup aside, if you live here, you already know the reasons the article goes on to present.

Houston has received a lot of postive press lately.  That is strange.

I was probably one of the first to tell you about Kiplinger’s Personal Finance #1 ranking of the Bayou City.

In Yahoo Travel's '10 U.S. Places to See Before You Die,' Houston's Rothko Chapel comes in at #7.

And Montrose was just named one of America's most fuel efficient neighborhoods by Forbes.

Let's not screw this up.

(Thanks Ed and KurtStoll) CONTACT: Leave me a Houston or Texas media news tip | COMMENT: Click to leave your thoughts on this post here