Ted Oberg started secretly writing on the new In Focus Blog a couple of weeks ago, but wanted a few posts under his belt before we fully unleashed it on the blogosphere. However I sneaked his posts onto the abc13.com blog XML feed as an added bonus to subscribers. Boy was he surprised! Now that is all behind us and quick purchase by me through 1800Flowers.com, everyone can read the blog!
I think he should have called it The O Blog but some might have confused it for something on the old Stevens and Pruett radio show. Also if you've ever spent time in Waco, you know Big O's are giant glasses of beer at George's so maybe it wouldn't have been the best name after all.
Ted is already taking the blog world by storm. His latest post features some investigative work he has done on Texas bridge inspections. Enjoy. CONTACT: Leave me a Houston or Texas media news tip | COMMENT: Click to leave your thoughts on this post here