Here's the deal, Laurence is brilliant. Look at how much content the guy comes up with on a daily basis for his blog - Garfield's show REALLY needs all of that. Plus, isfullofcrap blows away the current Clear Channel blogs. No doubt, the company needs Laurence's help in the blog department.
And no, Laurence didn't have a clue I was doing this, didn't ask me to do this, pay me with bread, or cats...etc. In fact, this post might actually make him mad.
One more note on KPRC, I assume that Garf will be leaving his Saturday slot eventually. If Ken Charles doesn't already have Kim Kommando lined up or some other tech show, why not go local with Technology Bytes?
Jay Lee and the guys have been helping Houston with computer problems for more than 10 years now. That's a very good track record. Stick them with a Clear Channel producer to help them out and I'm sure you can have a good show.
And no, I'm not saying this because I sometimes show up on their show either.
Please let me know what you all think of these ideas.