You'll need a login to access the full online version of this article. If you don't have that, go ahead and buy this issue of Time Magazine (cover above). In summary, the article features the Prosperity movement in Christianity, which Osteen is apart of. CONTACT: Leave me a Houston or Texas media news tip | COMMENT: Click to leave your thoughts on this post hereWhen George Adams lost his job at an Ohio tile factory last October, the most practical thing he did, he thinks, was go to a new church, even though he had to move his wife and four preteen boys to Conroe, a suburb of Houston, to do it. Conroe, you see, is not far from Lakewood, the home church of megapastor and best-selling author Joel Osteen.
Osteen's relentlessly upbeat television sermons had helped Adams, 49, get through the hard times, and now Adams was expecting the smiling, Texas-twanged 43-year-old to help boost him back toward success.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Lakewood's Joel Osteen makes cover story of Time Magazine
When I saw the September 18th cover of Time Magazine, (Does God Want You To Be Rich?) I suspected that Lakewood Pastor Joel Osteen might get a small mention. After all, that is a theme of his every time I tune into the Lakewood TV show. But I was wrong. Osteen is already mentioned in the first paragraph: