At the end of March, after waiting on the transplant list for seven years, Anthony Hernandez received a kidney at UTMB. Hernandez is the father of KPRC Health Reporter Haley Hernandez. He gave KPRC an interview on how difficult the journey of kidney failure has been.
“You know, you have to go in every year, twice a year, and get physicals and they’re not fun physicals,” Hernandez said. “I really wanted a kidney. I really, really, really wanted a kidney.”
On dialysis for four hours, three days a week takes a toll on the body and mind, but the alternative is death. What’s worse? Hernandez was called to UTMB several times for a kidney, but it was a false alarm as they ultimately were not a good match.
“It takes a lot to come back from being potentially accepted to get a kidney and then come back the next day and, ‘No, you don’t have a kidney, it’s gone.’ Who knows when it’ll happen again... who knows whether you have the time left. I mean my body was deteriorating!” READ THE REST