'Wake Up! With SallyMac & Lina' debuts Monday on FOX 26 KRIV
FOX 26 morning anchor Tom Zizka announces move to weekends
Ch-ch-ch-changes are coming to FOX 26 KRIV.
I posted the news in August that KTVK/KPHO Phoenix weekend anchor Lina De Florias was joining FOX 26 mornings.
In fact, just this week, I saw a billboard with De Florias and Sally MacDonald promoting their newscast together.
A few weeks ago when I posted about De Florias' arrival, I thought who left? Or who will be leaving? I didn't get an answer from anyone at the time...and believe me...my readers were asking for one.
Now we know.
Lots of folks have been reaching out to me since this past weekend concerning channel 26 anchor/business reporter Tom Zizka leaving the morning show.
Following his Facebook page these days is like watching an episode of Lost. There are more questions than answers. What is the Smoke Monster?
Zizka started posting cryptic messages about changing his alarm's wake up time. Then a post came about how the actual morning commute traffic is worse than he remembered (since he has been going in for years very early and has missed it). Then one was about D.B. Cooper's real identity! (OK, you caught me, I just added in that last one)
The best I can tell at the time of this posting, is that Zizka will be the new weekend anchor because he posted the following.
"OK, folks... So changes are happening. I'll be telling more of your stories, through the week, and sharing the news with you Weekend evenings...So... Let me know whats going on...and join me Saturday and Sunday. See you then!"
Now, he does not explicitly say he is the weekend anchor so I am just assuming. If he's not behind the news desk, then I guess he is a reporter. This guessing game is kinda fun for me.
UPDATE SEPTEMBER 22, 2018: Tom Zizka is the weekend anchor.
Stay tuned!
In other Zizka related Facebook news, I hate to report he posted that his daughter sprained and strained her hand after a pre-dawn tumble in high school running practice. At least it is not broken.
For the most part, I really can't remember a time when Zizka wasn't associated with the KRIV morning show.
In fact, he's been with the station for so long, he doesn't even have a proper career write-up on my blog since his Houston arrival pre-dates the blogging phenomena.
According to his bio, Zizka came to town in 1998 and has been the station's investigative reporter, the station's consumer advocate ‘Problem Solver' and reporter for the highly successful Predator Check.
From 1992 to 1998, Zizka was the consumer reporter for WSYX Columbus, Ohio. Before that, he was a reporter for WSAZ Huntington, West Virginia.
He is a graduate of Oakland University.
And I should add, that Zizka was recently named #71 on the Top 250 Most Influential Business Journalists this year by Richtopia.com.