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Friday, July 26, 2013

Has Houston beat Dallas in the big Texas rivalry? 273 reasons why

Houstonia Magazine declares Houston winner in the H-Town vs Big D rivalry

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It might be time to close down I-45 somewhere around Centerville because Houstonia Magazine is going to have Dallasites coming our way with pitchforks. The new Houston-centric magazine has declared Houston the winner in the two cities' long standing rivalry in its upcoming issue.

“After painstaking research, much weighing of evidence, and one trip to Big D by our staff in a van, we can conclude with reasonable certainty that this age-old squabble is no more," Houstonia editorial director Scott Vogel said in a statement.

The magazine declares Houston the winner in its upcoming issue "273 reasons the rivalry’s over and we won" which it says is a fun, near-surgical examination of the many forces—cultural, social, culinary and more—behind Houston’s rise to both national and international prominence.

It certainly appears Houston is getting more positive headlines than Dallas in the national media as of late. In fact, I don't ever remember the city getting any positive attention much at all in the past. I got excited when Houston was nuked in Will Smith's 1996 popcorn flick Independence Day just because the aliens considered the Bayou City important enough to destroy!

Part of the reason I originally started this very blog was to showcase positive stories about Houston. Then I got involved in media gossip and probably ruined that goal.

I was thinking the other day why Houston is getting more glowing national reviews now. Here is what I came up with:
- Bill White bringing Katrina refugees here (random factoid: R.E.M mentioned Houston in a song because of this if that matters to you)
- Electing an openly gay mayor with Annise Parker (that caused the national media to take interest)
- The fact Houston is actually a positive economic story while Detroit is filing for bankruptcy
- Beyonce?

Back on topic, Houston Texans star J.J. Watt is the Houstonia cover boy as you can tell in the two advanced covers I received from the magazine.

“Watt’s Inside,” Peter Holley’s interview with the 24-year-old Watt, offers a revealing look at the superstar’s Wisconsin boyhood, his commitment to expanding after-school programs in low-income neighborhoods, and of course his newfound fame, both the perks (money) and pitfalls (fans camping out on his lawn).

You'll be able to find the new issue on store shelves July 29th.

Houstonia Magazine's marketing team was everywhere on this one. Here are broadcasts from Houston and Dallas public radio about the rivalry:
- KUHF's Houston Matters - The Houston/Dallas Rivalry (contentious debate between Houstonia and  D Magazine editors)
- KERA Dallas - Big D Vs. H-Town: 5 Reasons Why Dallas Rules

Music writer William Michael Smith sent me a great little number Mickey Newbury - If You Ever Get To Houston ( Look Me Down).

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