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Friday, March 01, 2013

FOX 26 KRIV - KTXH February 2013 highlights

The Fox Television Stations group sent me some 2013 February sweeps highlights for Fox 26 KRIV Houston and My20 KTXH.

"FOX26 News at 5am" had 13% rating growth vs. Feb`12 in A25-54, 17% vs. Feb`12 in A18-49 and 18% rating growth vs. Feb`12 in HH.
HH: 1.3/6
A18-49: 0.7/8
A25-54: 0.9/8

"FOX26 News at 12pm" had 75% rating growth vs. Feb`12, +1 in rank vs.
Feb`12 in A25-54, 50% rating growth vs. Feb`12 and +2 in rank vs. Feb`12 in A18-49 and 43% rating growth vs. Feb`12 in HH.
HH: 1.0/4
A18-49: 0.6/5
A25-54: 0.7/5

"FOX26 News at 9pm," was +1 in rank vs. Feb`12 in A25-54.
HH: 3.4/6
A18-49: 1.4/5
A25-54: 1.7/5

"Steve Harvey" (11AM) on KRIV
40% share growth vs. Feb`12, +1 in rank vs. Feb`12 in A25-54.
14% share growth vs. Feb`12, +1 in rank vs. Feb`12 in A18-49.
60% share growth vs. Feb`12 in HH.
HH: 1.1/4
A18-49: 0.5/4
A25-54: 0.6/5

"Steve Harvey" (3PM) on KTXH
69% share growth vs. Feb`12 in A25-54.
40% rating growth vs. Feb`12 in HH.
HH: 0.7/6
A18-49: 0.3/2
A25-54: 0.2/2

"New Girl" (Tuesday at 8P)is #1 and had 35% share growth vs. Feb`12, +1 in Feb`12 in A25-54.
HH: 3.5/6
A18-49: 2.8/8
A25-54: 3.4/9

My20 PRIME/M-F 7-9pm Out-delivers CW Prime in HH.
HH: 1.2/2
A18-49: 0.5/2
A25-54: 0.6/2

- Texas TV 2013 February sweeps full coverage
- Fox 4 KDFW's 2013 February sweeps success