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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Houston Press' Craig Hlavaty discusses the good and bad of dream jobs

I’m teaming up with TXU Energy to help get the word out about the upcoming TXU Energy Turkey Trot benefiting Sheltering Arms Senior Services. The race takes place at Dillard’s near the Galleria on Thanksgiving Day, November 22, 2012.

That means I'm also promoting the Houston media turkey calling contest (The contest will be 10am, Saturday, November 10th at the Houston Zoo - Butterfly Stage in the Children’s Zoo).

Houston Press Assistant Music Editor/Staff Writer and KIAH 39 NewsFix contributor Craig Hlavaty has signed up to be a participant in the turkey media contest. He was kind enough to take time out of his busy schedule to answer some of questions.

Mike McGuff: Being a music critic/writer is a dream job for many, give us a few favorite moments over the years.

Craig Hlavaty: Since I started scribbling onto a computer about music six years, I have seen and done so much. It's easy to get locked into the moment and forget that you have a dream job. I have met and interviewed some of my idols, and also discovered newfound appreciations for acts that normally I would have dismissed. As for great moments, jeez, it's hard to remember them all, and it's not just because I have a beer or two now and then. A few weeks back I got to hug Willie Nelson. That's the biggest thing that has happened recently. It was like touching God.

Now, all dream jobs usually have some negatives, what are some annoying things about being a music writer your readers don't know about?

If there can be a bad side to my job, it's not having the time or energy to see everything I want. Local and national acts flood this town nightly. Especially the locals. I wish I could hear and see everyone running around out there, but I have to remember that I have a girlfriend, a dog, and a back patio to tend to. Sometimes I need to stay home and lay on the floor and listen to Neil Young to recharge.

How was ACL this year?

ACL was great as always, though my favorite part was seeing Iggy And The Stooges totally baffle and excite the late afternoon crowds. I hope some kids got converted into the Holy Church Of Iggy that day.

Get all the details for the race and Sheltering Arms Senior Services at

(This post has been sponsored by TXU Energy. Learn more about the company at

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