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Saturday, December 06, 2008

What to wear to the Houston Ballet

Thursday I posed the question on Twitter and Facebook about what I should wear to the Houston Ballet's The Nutcracker performance.

I enjoyed reading the responses so here they are. Since Facebook is a closed network, I am changing the response names to initials since they didn't expect to be blogged.

Went to one of the last Houston Ballet Nutcracker performances for 2015. In fact, one of the last of the version the ballet has been doing for the last decades before they introduce a new version for 2016. Now to what I saw people was everything. My wife made me wear a suit and tie this time. I was not the only guy wearing that, but I also saw jeans, khakis...etc. Women tended to dress up more in dresses and female suits.

Suggestions from Facebook:

MS: tutu.. but no, depends on where you're sitting and what day/night you are going. If Friday or Saturday night.. maybe at least a jacket. All other times you can go in Jeans

WK: I think a black tie suit would work best... you could look like James Bond going to the ballet :)

DM: I have been to many Ballets/Shows and I am always disappointed at the way people from Houston dress for these events. What happened to the days of classy Theatre?

MS: The only event people dress up for even slightly is the Opera. Make sure you take the wife to House of Blues or The Grove for some fine dining pre or post theater.

DM: Houston has an Opera? lol

SE: no you don't have to wear a suit. i've been there before. slacks and a nice sweater.

KHH: It's true, no one dresses up for it anymore and it's a real shame. I think it's a lack of respect for the theater. You will find a wide range of attire: full suits to jeans. I still wear a nice dress (dressier than church dress) when I go and I make the hubby wear at least a button down and slacks.

Suggestions from Twitter:

@txkyle @mikemcguff Actually if evening, wear a suit. If matinee, either shirt & tie or jacket but no tie.

@txkyle @mikemcguff Mike, man, you should really wear a tux! I'm just sayin...

@cybertoad @mikemcguff It's Houston. You don't have to wear a suit to any theatre performance here (& 1 reason why I love this city) about 5 hours ago from web in reply to mikemcguff

@kerihonea @mikemcguff Respect the arts. YES. about 5 hours ago from TwitterFox in reply to mikemcguff

@mattbramanti @mikemcguff Also, you just reminded me I need to get tickets.

@mattbramanti @mikemcguff Sport coat, tie optional.

@loseaneye @mikemcguff: I didn't when I went. I did, however, wear khakis. You'll see all kinds.

@LWHIT @mikemcguff I'm gonna say if not a suit then at least a blazer