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Friday, December 12, 2008

Top 10 Viral Videos of 2008

It's not even the end of the year yet exactly and I am already sick of these 2008 top ten lists. Too many sites do them as slide shows because they are easy page views. (OK I guess that is acceptable in these tough times when even Mode magazine on ABC's Ugly Betty is cutting overtime and trying to make a "digital footprint.")

Where was I? Oh yeah, Time magazine is rating the top 10 viral videos of 2008. The first one, I have never even heard of and I am in the middle of this stuff all the time. Good job magazine folks.


Where is my Laurence Simon blog interview on the list? Where is my Geoff Tate of Queensryche video? Where is my BarCampHouston3 TV?  Looks like I am going to have to come up with my own damn list now!