The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) says with the strong Texas economy, guess who wants to come here? Drinks. Alcoholic drink makers want to pour their products in our state and get your money. In fact the commission says Texas is poised to become the number one state for consumption of alcoholic beverages in the country. Sip on that.
So the TABC has just unveiled an online database that lets any wannabe Norm Peterson know which alcoholic beverage products are legal in Texas and the alcohol content inside.
TABC's Label Approval Database,, includes all alcoholic beverages that have had labels approved since 2005. Consumers can search the database by permit number, brand name, trade (manufacturer) name, type of product, approval date, or percent alcohol by volume. Each record includes all of this information plus an image of the approved label.
"Some single malt beverage containers can be as much as 23.5 ounces at 12 percent alcohol by volume, which is the equivalent of almost five beers," explained TABC Assistant Administrator Sherry Cook. "It is important for responsible consumers to have the opportunity to educate themselves about what they are drinking, and for parents to understand what their children may be drinking."
The TABC says alcoholic beverage makers are seeking approval for the sale of products in Texas in historically high numbers. There has been a 58% increase in the number of product applications submitted as compared to the same time period last year. The agency says a portion of this spike can be attributed to a December 2011 court ruling that stated TABC will no longer require brewers to designate high or low alcohol content on labels using specific words like "beer" and "ale." CONTACT: Leave me a Houston or Texas media news tip | COMMENT: Click to leave your thoughts on this post here