Some even might remember the bow-tie wearing Dungan working in Houston at KTRK Channel 13 in the 70s. Don't know if he had the bow-tie yet or not.
This week Dungan's coworkers roasted him for charity:
When WFAA-TV sportscaster Dale Hansen went to work for Channel 8 in 1983, he says he was told to lose his showbiz-friendly gimmicks.
Then, Hansen met Troy Dungan, Channel 8's recently retired chief weather anchor: "A short, bald-headed guy with a checkered bowtie," Hansen said.
Channel 8 anchor Macie Jepson thanked Dungan for being her friend and mentor. He's a man who "exudes warmth and class," Jepson said. Then, she pitched a curveball."Also, thank you for teaching me to drink scotch without ice," Jepson said to resounding laughs.
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